Tuesday, 19 August 2008
As dull as ditch water?
Nobody really cares about them? I spent my youth rummaging in ditches like these. Fascinating places. Read what Jane Kavanagh of UCC has to say about them here.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Benefits and costs of biodiversity in Ireland 2008
This report presents an assessment of social and economic benefits of selected ecosystem services in Ireland. The analysis covers a broad range of sectors, including agriculture, marine, health, and forestry. It finds that there are many net benefits to be derived from biodiversity conservation when compared to the policy costs. Report can be downloaded here.
Food marketing and rural development
University College Cork is now seeking applications for the MBS in Co-operative and Social Enterprise and the Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Co-operative Organisation, Food Marketing and Rural Development, which recommences in October, 2008. Click here for more information
Community Food Initiatives funding
‘Healthy Food for All' and ‘SafeFood' are establishing a Demonstration Programme on Community Food Initiatives and are looking for funding applications from eligible groups and organisations. The purpose of this funding is to establish a Demonstration Programme of Community Food Initiatives (CFIs) on the island of Ireland. CFIs are projects that improve the availability and accessibility of healthy food for low-income groups at a local level, using a community development approach. Closing date for applications is 30th September 2008. This funding is open to community groups or groups which have an anti-poverty focus in their work. We would especially welcome applications from partnerships/collaborations of different groups. As the programme has an all-island focus, a minimum of two projects will be selected from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Tribute to Erna Bennett

Read Professor Swaminathan's tribute to his long-time colleague Erna Bennett (and her response). Erna, from Derry, is thought to be the first person to coin the phrase 'genetic conservation'.
Slow Food comes to Waterford
A special lunch was held in Belfast today to promote Terra Madre Ireland, a four-day event being held in Waterford from 4-7 September to bring together producers and others involved in sustainable food production from across the island. Among those at the lunch were Darina Allen, Chairperson of Slow Food Ireland and Michelle Gildernew, Minister for Department of Agricultural and Rural Development. Read more here.
More information on Terra Madre Ireland can be found here.
The World Meeting of Terra Madre will be held in Turin, Italy from the 23-27 October.
More information on Terra Madre Ireland can be found here.
The World Meeting of Terra Madre will be held in Turin, Italy from the 23-27 October.
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